Ever since I can remember Cinderella has been the IT girl when it comes to being completely clueless and landing the prince at the very end and you know the no big deal kingdom and all! We’ve heard this story being told and watched the many versions of the movie and the moral of the story is being good always pays off. I beg to differ; the moral of this story is “it’s all about wearing right shoes”. Think about it, if she wasn’t wearing those beautiful crystal pair of heels and be, again, clueless enough to trip, fall and drop them he never would have been able to find her.
Cindy's Crystal Slippers <3
Now growing up a bit there was that movie with the ballerina and the beautiful laced up ballet red shoes. I wanted to be a ballerina for weeks after watching this movie. I actually took one of my sister’s cassette tape, pulled out the tape thingy and ties it on a stick and was dancing ballet-figure skating in the garden and I did that for a very long time. Again it was all because of the beautiful red shoes. At this point I have to thank God for not having the chance to be introduced to the Wizard of Oz until I was a teenager, but when I did, I fell in love with those Ruby glittery gorgeous slippers, but let’s face it who hasn’t?
The Wizard Of Oz
I still remember my first pair of heals. I was 14 and it was Al-Fitr Eid and Mom decided to reward me for finally deciding to start wearing hijab with a shopping spree, I got a beautiful and really adult like pants suit and a 4 inch, glittery black stilettos and it was rather expensive at the time. I kept this pair for a very long time, I’m sure I still have it somewhere at my parents’ old house. This was properly was one of the most memorable nights of my teenage years, I still remember the shop, the price and if I go there I can tell you where exactly it was placed when I spotted it. That was the beginning of my rather modest collection of footwear that I’m proud to have today.
The thing about shoes is that no matter how big or petite, long or short, beautiful or ugly you are, you can always buy all types and all colors and you will never look at the mirror and think those shoes make me fat! They are the ultimate accessory and studies (real fashion people studies!) have shown that a pair of heals can instantly alter a woman’s mood and make her feel good about herself almost immediately. I’d like to think that it has something to do with the elevation, I was not as fortunate as my sisters and my growth decided to stop at 158cm, so whenever I put on my heals and breath the fresh air that you 6 feeters are blessed with, the Oxygen does the trick and I’m happy.
Another reason for my obsession is SATC 1, you know how Carrie Bradshaw ended up with Big and they all lived happily ever after! It was all because of the Manolo Blanhikt Something Blue Satin Pump.
There she is ....Envyyyyyy
What is more romantic than being proposed to with a Pump? Nothing right? The list of movies about shoes goes on and on and considering the fact that I spent the majority of my teenage summers at home, watching TV, I’m destined to become a shoeholic so now every time I pass by a shoe store and Ali asks if I really need more shoes my answer would be “Yes, I do” and the reason why I do is:
Honey, It’s not my fault you have to blame that on Disney!
Have a nice day.
Shoes are unique in that they always fit...unless you get pregnant and your shoe size changes! But regardless, a good pair of shoes always makes a girl feel like a princess!
I couldn't agree more and that's why I have so many lol